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About Sofi Local Corp

We have direct relationships and contracts with the relocation teams with Apple Studios, Amazon Studios, Hulu, Sony Pictures, Oracle just to name a few. What this means for you is that we have direct access to high net worth individuals who are used to paying a premium to live close to work and are given relocation budgets. Here's how this benefits you listing your house with SOFILOCAL -

Employee A is given an offer to come work at Culver City Company B's office. Their relocation sign on bonus is a down payment to purchase a home. Now if employee A works for a recognizable company I've already listed, this company is going to make sure this employee gets what they want. Zillow says your house is worth X and you have 10 offers on it. Even if all of the offers are over asking, you still have to make a decision who to sell it to and more than likely all of the offers are going to be relatively the same. Now Employee A says to Company B - I want this house, can you please up the ante on my sign on bonus? Now the extra money to you is not a person's personal savings, but a corporate budget from a recruiting department's relocation team. No one can compete with that.

I know the relocation and recruiting space intimately. If you have even considered listing your home even just a little bit, spend 5 minutes with me to discuss the #'s. I'll prove to you how I'll move the needle for your future.

Reality is I will make you a lot more money then you possibly could make listing your property with anyone else due to my connections and understanding of the relocation space and knowledge of Southern California. You'll be selling your house to people moving to Los Angeles for work. When you hear about the Exodus of professionals from Los Angeles to other states, I'm the person that has access to the high paying people coming in - and they want to move to where you live.

I am a father first and foremost. Every interaction I have with anyone is with the thought of "would this be something that would make my sons proud". I'm a very fortunate husband.

I'm a Southern California Native, I'm a proud Angeleno, born and raised going to the Fabulous Forum (before it was named the Great Western Forum). I want to continue to make this community a place where my son's can raise their families.

David Facter